Dumpster curry

Good for when you have a lot of tubers like potato, sweet potato, pumpkin, etc...
Probably fed 30-40 people.



  1. Get your lentils soaking in tap water. Set them to the side.
  2. Dice or blitz (food processor) your onion, carrot and capsicum. Chuck it in a giant pot with oil and a whack of salt - cook it until it's soft and yum smelling.
  3. Dice or blitz your tomatoes. Chuck em in and add a couple of big spoons of veggie stock. Cook it until it seems saucey (~ 30 min)
  4. Add all your spices. Good to go light-on first and taste as you go so you don't make it too extra. Keep adding them until it tastes like curry.
  5. Chop up and peel your potatoes/tubers into roughly 4cm chunks and chuck them in for about 30 min.
  6. Drain and rinse your lentils of that funky lentil water and add them 20min before your finish. You may need to add more water to your curry at this point.
  7. Add your chopped up broccoli about 5 min before you finish.
  8. If you've got baby spinach, coriander or something leafy, take the pot off the heat and add  mix it in at the add.
  9. Add more salt or spices if it needs it.* Serve with rice.

Make Aloo Gobi. Fuck Narendra Modi.

*Hot tip I just got given by a pro: if you accidentally make it way spicier than you wanted, you can offset that with some sugar.

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