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Food Not Bombs Sydney

A mutual aid group

Food Not Bombs Sydney is cooking up meals
5:30pm every Thursday and Sunday at Camperdown Memorial Park.

Contact us if you want free food or if would like to help out!

About us

Food Not Bombs Sydney is an all-volunteer mutual aid group, part of a global movement dedicated to sharing free vegan meals as a protest against war and poverty. This chapter has been active since August 2020 and we currently serve our clean hand-cooked meals at Newtown station once a week, using food that would otherwise end in landfill!


In our current climate there is an incredible amount of food waste which stems from the wealth and greed of a minority who are looking only for profit. Worldwide, there are massive reserves of food which are stored and guarded whilst people starve, and Australia is no exception. Food Not Bombs is here to demonstrate the abundance of food that is available and put it in perspective with the ever-increasing military budget of Australia. There is more than enough for everyone and we demand it be shared so. We know that food is a human right and not a privilege.

How can I help?

The best way to help is by volunteering - many hands make light work. However we also accept donations, particularly staple foods such as rice, canned beans, and pasta. Free containers, crockery, and other kitchen items are also appreciated. To donate any of these things, please get in touch with us. If you would like to donate financially, please get in contact with us :)